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Yoni steaming is an ancient secret practiced in feminine health. Yoni steaming  also known as V-steam, vjay steam,  Bajos and vaginal steaming, is an ancient practice that uses the heat from herbal steam to lightly permeate the outside of a woman’s vagina and allow detoxification.


The New Moon Cycle blend (also known as "Andrea's Special") is made of organic herbs including red raspberry, chaste tree, and other herbs to provide a gentle cleanse and promote an overall healthy womb. This blend is designed to:


🔴  Refresh

🔴  Restart

🔴  Renew

🔴  Purify

🔴  Recharge

🔴  Balance


It also aids in the release of stagnant cellular debris, detoxing the womb, aiding painful menses, regulating menses, improving sent, preventing uterine growths,  increasing moisture and tones the womb.

New Moon Cycle Yoni Steam-Cleansing

  • Measuring your herbs

    How much should you use per session? A half ounce should be sufficient however it is based on your personal preference.  Your herbal blend will be prepackaged in 5oz vegan tea bags.  

    1oz- 1-2 steams

    2oz- 2-4 steams

    4oz - 4-8 steams


    Directions for use

    Boil 6 cups of  distilled water and pour over a clean glass bowl, cast iron sitz bath, or cast iron pot containing 1 tea bag of your Heal Me Yoni blend (DO NOT use a aluminum or plastic container). Cover and steep for 10 minutes. Allow this mixture to cool. Sit over this steam bath and wrap your lower body with a blanket or towels in order to contain the healing steam bath. Sit and relax for 10-30 minutes.

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